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As part of our strategic plan, we are dedicated to providing high quality professional development and connection opportunities to school communicators throughout California. Most of the webinars listed below were selected from among the top-rated sessions at the most recent in-person conference. Unless otherwise noted, all of the events below will be offered online.

Annual Calendar of Events (2024-25)



  • July 25 - Office Hour: General Questions, 11:30am-12:30pm Register Here


  • August 1 - Orientation: Making the Most of Your CalSPRA Benefits, 12:00-1:00pm Register Here
  • August 7 - Webinar: Capturing Moments, Respecting Privacy: Navigating Student Media Releases and Creative Alternatives (Conference Call Back - Highly Rated 2024 Conference Session), 11:30am-12:30pm Register Here
  • August 19 - Webinar: Roping in the Wild West of your District Crisis Comms (Conference Call Back - Highly Rated 2024 Conference Session), 11:30am - 12:30pm Register Here
  • August 30 - Office Hour: Award Preview and General Questions, 9:30-10:30am Register Here


  • September 13 - Webinar: Decision 2024: When Campaigning Comes To Campus (Conference Call Back - Highly Rated 2024 Conference Session), 11:30am-12:30pm Register Here
  • September 25 - Webinar: Value of Youth Voter Education (Conference Call Back - Highly Rated 2024 Conference Session), 11:30am -12:30pm Register Here
  • September 27 - Office Hour: General Questions, 10:30-11:30am
  • October 8 - Webinar: Beyond Fundraising: Education Foundations as Communication Partners and Advocates (Conference Call Back - Highly Rated 2024 Conference Session), 2:00-3:00 pm
  • October 21 - Webinar: Amplifying Impact: The Power of Communication Interns (Conference Call Back - Highly Rated 2024 Conference Session), 2:00-3:00  pm)
  • October 25 - Office Hour: Award & Conference Submissions, 9:30-10:30am


  • November 6 - Webinar: District Branding: Unify your Voice and Identity (Conference Call Back - Highly Rated 2024 Conference Session), 12:00-1:00 pm
  • Webinar - Conference Call Back - Highly Rated 2024 Conference Session: TBD
  • November 18 - Office Hour: General Questions, 9:30-10:30am


  • Webinar - Conference Call Back - Highly Rated 2024 Conference Session: TBD
  • December 19 - Office Hour: General Questions, 9:30-10:30 am
  • Date TBD - Special Event - Holiday Idea Exchange: Bring your best tip, tool or idea that helps in your role and share it with the group (Date TBD, 3:00-5:00 pm)


  • January 10 - Webinar: Cultivating Your Leadership as a PR Pro (Conference Call Back - Highly Rated 2024 Conference Session), 11:30am-12:30pm
  • January 22 - Webinar: In My School PR Era (Conference Call Back - Highly Rated 2024 Conference Session), 1:00-2:00 pm
  • January 30 - Office Hour: General Questions, 9:30-10:30am


  • February 2 - Orientation: Make the Most of Your CalSPRA Benefits, 10:00-11:00am
  • February 6 - Webinar: Chess Masters
  • (Conference Call Back - Highly Rated 2024 Conference Session), 2:00-3:00 pm
  • February 28 - Office Hour: CalSPRA Annual Conference Preview and General Questions, 9:30-10:30am


  • March 4-8 - CalSPRA Annual Conference, San Diego (*$)
  • March 28 - Office Hour: What you Learned at CalSPRA and General Questions, 9:30-10:30am


  • April 8 - Webinar: I’m Fine, Everything is Fine - How to Overcome Your Imposter Syndrome & Own Your Worth (Conference Call Back - Highly Rated 2024 Conference Session),11:30am-12:30pm
  • April 24 - Webinar: Humanizing Your Negotiations (Conference Call Back - Highly Rated 2024 Conference Session), 1:00-2:00pm
  • April 25 - Office Hour: General Questions, 9:30-10:30am


  • May 2 - Orientation: Make the Most of Your CalSPRA Benefits, 10:00-11:00am
  • May 5 - Webinar: Smarter Not Harder Communications: Making A.I. Work for You (Conference Call Back - Highly Rated 2024 Conference Session), 1:00-2:00pm
  • May 21 - Webinar: Public Access: Understanding the Changing Landscape of the Public’s Right to Information, In-Person Interactions, & Your Rights as a District (Conference Call Back - Highly Rated 2024 Conference Session), 12:00-1:00pm
  • May 23 - Office Hour: General Questions, 9:30-10:30am


  • Webinar - Conference Call Back - Highly Rated 2024 Conference Session: TBD
  • June 17 - Webinar - Navigating the Storm - Reflecting on a Year of Crisis (Conference Call Back - Highly Rated 2024 Conference Session), 1:00-2:00pm
  • June 27 - Office Hour: National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) Annual Seminar Preview and General Questions, 9:30-10:30am
  • Certificate Course - Create an Effective Communication Plan ($) Date TBD


  • National School Public Relations Association Annual Seminar (*$)

* indicates that the event is in person rather than virtual

$ indicates there will be a cost for the event

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